Uni CPO (v4.9.33) WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Free Download
Uni CPO WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Free Download v4.9.33 – CodeCanyon | Uni CPO WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Nulled v4.9.33 is a fully-featured plugin that offers your WooCommerce goods the possibility of adding some custom options and allows custom price estimates based on some mathematical formula.
These types of options are included in the current version: text input, file input, radio input, checkbox, drop-down, date/time picker, range slider, palette picker, and text field, as well as special types such as header, splitter, notice.
In addition, there is a conditional logic for formula-it is possible to produce many formulas that will be implemented under certain conditions-options selected by the user.
And even better, you can build variable(s) dependent on non-option and use it in conditional formula rules. A fast example: you want to set a base price form based on a measured area that is measured based on the width and height specified by the user. Uh, quick! 🙂 You will be able to apply various formulas based on the measured area value!
Uni CPO – WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Free Download Links
Changelog Uni CPO – WooCommerce Options and Price Calculation Formulas Nulled
Improved: The plugin prevents ordering the product again (from history) if one or more suboptions are missing
Added: support for HPOS
Fixed: a bug related to displaying qty based discounts
Fixed: a bug related to ‘woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect’ filter
Fixed: a bug with suboptions conditional rules for Checkbox option
Fixed: a bug with suboptions conditional rules for Select option
Updated: Freemius SDK to the latest version
Fixed: a bug related to editing qty value for cart item that is set as an option
Added: bulk edit functionality
Improved: Added new option “Own role” for “User role when edit orders”
Added: setting to control image changing in the cart when you are using “Imagify”, “Colorify”, “Image Conditional Logic” functionalities
Hotfix: fixed PHP error visible on new product creation
Improved: proper taxes handling for cpo enabled products when adding order manually
Fixed: uploading files with “‘” in the name
Improved: error message when importing CSV with suboptions data
Fixed: some small bugs
Fixed: the issue with importing configurations
Improved: added disabling of the “add to cart” button while a file is being uploaded in File Upload option
Fixed: issue with ramda.js dependency
Fixed: another issue with PHP 8 compatibility
Fixed: issue with PHP 8 compatibility
Improved: moved JS lib dependency inside the plugin, therefore removed the link to CDN
Fixed: issues with proper image displaying for suboptions in some cases
Added: support for “woocommerce price based on countries” plugin
Security fix
Fixed: bug with ‘cpo_product_layered_image’ field
Fixed: bug with wrong cart item price for switched (simple -> variable) product
Fixed: bug with ‘clear option’ functionality
Fixed: bug
Fixed: a bug preventing from saving options while using the plugin on some PHP configurations
Fixed: notice about cart discount is shown in the cart even if no discounts applied
Fixed: price archive template regular/sale prices are now correctly formatted
Added: new filter ‘uni_cpo_woocommerce_cart_item_thumbnail’ for possibility to change image size of the cart item
Fixed: a bug with “price tmpl for archives” and “price tmpl for archives (sale)” fields in data manager
Improved: adjusted CSS price tag selector, added reference to ‘bdi’ tag
Added: a new type of option Font Preview (pro version)
Fixed: availability of some texts for translations
Fixed: saving extra validation rules for options
Added: new option “Distance by postcode”
Fixed: several small errors in JS
Improved: Hidden some system order meta items on edit order page screen
Fixed: a bug when it is possible to add uni cpo config product with 0 price to the cart
Fixed: displaying default values for options when editing in edit order screen
Fixed: teh bug related to deleting NOVs when saving data in data manager
Updated: Freemius SDK to the latest version
Added: auto correction of ‘pid’ attributes on config import
Added: auto correction of URLs in radio/checkboxes on config import
Added: new filter ‘uni_cpo_nov_variable_value’
Fixed: annoying JS error related to certain version of jQuery
Fixed: ‘unknown’ NOV is being saved; now it will not be saving, still you have to remove it from the list of NOVs and save them, for each product
Added: first version of CPO data manager (pro version)
Improved: integration with NBdesigner plugin
Fixed: a bug with layouts for “Colorify” functionality
Fixed: a bug with “Colorify” functionality on mobile devices
Fixed: a bug with layouts for “Imagify” functionality
Improved: several warnings popping up under certain circumstances
Fixed: displaying proper order data in add/edit CPO options modal
Added: setting to control for which user role prices should be calculated when administrator edits order
Improvement: added ‘setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, ‘C’);’ to force using ‘.’ (dots) as decimal delimiter (by default, in PHP 7.3+ env it sets this param differently); commas cannot be used as they break price calculation;
Fixed: cart item with removed/overwritten options generated error
Updated: ‘rangesum’ functionality; added new filter related to this functionality
Improved: possibilities for string translation in several places
Improved: conditional logic for “Imagify” functionality
Added: fix for ‘sold individually’ behaved wrongly when WC Multilingual plugin is activated
Fixed: a bug with tooltips on mobile devices
Fixed: a bug in ‘rangesum’ functionality;
Fixed: displaying ‘select options’ for ‘out of stock’ products
Fixed: disappearing of tooltip icons next to option’s labels
Fixed: duplicating cart item functionality
Fixed: issue related to checkboxes labels disappearing
Added: a possibility to configure dynamic options’ and suboptions’ labels
Fixed: a bug in “Imagify” functionality for Classic/Colour/Text types of Radio Input option
Checked for compatibility with WC 3.9
Added: new util method getCartLabel; it can be used in Dynamic Notice, gets cart/order label of the
option instead of regular label
Fixed: an issue when Image Conditional Logic data was not saving on copying/duplicating the product
Fixed: a bug when it was not possible to edit custom options in wp admin dashboard when editing an order
Fixed: a bug related to ‘order again’ pro functionality
Fixed: a bug in “Imagify” functionality for mobile devices
Fixed: a warning appearing in the cart related to pitchprint integration code
Fixed: a bug when pitchprint cart item’s preview was not displaying
Fixed: a bug in “Image Conditional Logic” functionality
Improved: now files of added to cart items are cleared from the form on the product page
Fixed: a bug in NOV matrix functionality
Fixed: a bug in ‘getLabel’ func
Fixed: a bug in Select option render function
Added: ‘uni_cpo_before_render_builder_modules’ filter
Added: cs_CZ translation file (thanks to Radim Hahn)
Fixed: a styling issue with tooltip for select field
Improved: NOV’s matrix ‘range sum’ functionality
Fixed: an issue with wrong values when editting cart item
Fixed: an issue with lost validation of qty field when using Uni CPO plugin
Fixed: an issue when it sometimes was possible to upload more than file for File Upload
Fixed: a bug in NOV’s matrix ‘range sum’ functionality
Added: rangesum() math function (the details are in the docs)
Added: an advanced functionality related to using NOV’s matrix in ‘range sum’ functionality
Fixed: a bug in Datepicker related to counting duration when in ‘days’ mode
Fixed: a bug in fields conditional logic related to operators is_empty|is_not_empty and radio/checkboxes fields
Improved: CSV import functionality
Added: import tool for radio/checkboxes/select options’ suboptions
Fixed: a possibility to choose more than one default value for checkboxes
Added: ‘currency’ special variable to formula conditional logic; may be used in conjunction with Aelia switcher
Added: new type of JS validators: ‘greaterorequalthan’, ‘greaterthan’, ‘lessorequalthan’, ‘lessthan’
Fixed: an issue with validation when creating order in admin area
Fixed: an issue with with matrix table
Added: ‘minpositiveorzero’ function to be used in formulas
Added: ‘uni_wrapper_attributes_for_option’ filter; now custom attributes can be added to option’s wrapper
Fixed: small fix: a PHP warning when using conditional logic
Fixed: a bug with suboptions conditional rules for Radio Input and Checkboxes options”
Fixed: a bug with changing main image for “Range slider”
Added: suboptions conditional rules for Radio Input and Checkboxes options
Fixed: a bug with step setting for “Range slider” option and the input next to range slider
Fixed: Security fix
Fixed: conflict when using along with YITH bundled products plugin
Fixed: a bug with data.getSuboptionLabel() method for Checkbox inputs option
Fixed: a bug with changing main image and adding item to the cart page
Fixed: a bug when excluded from participating in Imagify options were still used in Imagify
Improved: Colorify/Imagify dynamically generated image for the cart/order item
Fixed: Fixed a broken link/html to the uploaded file; reverted to just filename, because WC does not allow ANY html
Fixed: changing slides in Flatsome theme when using Colorify/Imagify functionality
Improved: displaying product prices on archives
Fixed: add/edit CPO options data on edit order page in admin area
Fixed: displaying product price in admin area; reverted to original prices, so they can be sorted
Fixed: displaying range slider in the builder mode
Hotfix: another one bug in the code
Hotfix: a bug in the code
Added: Imagify functionality
Added: new option: Extra Cart Button
Added: “Free samples” functionality
Added: new option: Google Map
Added: two new vars for Dynamic Notice related to cart discounts
Added: helper methods for variables to be used in Dynamic Notice
Improved: fields conditional logic script, fixed some minor issues
Fixed: Colorify func related code – the issue when the main image has not been updated accordingly on init
Fixed: Cart/order meta strings could not be translated via string translation functionality of multi language plugins
Fixed: a bug related to using big numbers in Matrix option
Fixed: a PHP Warning related to Radio Input option
Fixed: some issues with radio and checkboxes options
Added: qty based cart discounts
Added: possibility to choose custom field as qty field (instead of standard WC qty field) and display its value in Qty column in cart/order
Added: “sold individually” setting; it does what the original WC setting does, but for products with enabled Uni CPO options
Improved: displaying custom price tag templates on archives
Improved: added separate settings for styling option’s label
Fixed: ‘step’ attribute for Text Input now works like intended
Fixed: the compatibility issue with Aelia Currency Switcher when using {uni_cpo_price} variable
Fixed: bug in IE with radio/checkbox options
Fixed: added missing parsley.min.js.map file
Fixed: bug with border for radio/checkbox options
Added: a possibility to use any NOV as starting price setting; useful for displaying role based wholesale prices
Fixed: issues with fields conditional logic and operators ‘between’ and ‘not_between’
Added: product basic setup tutorial (WP pointers)
Added: ‘between’ and ‘not_between’ query builder filters for Text Input; fixed the same filters for NOVs
Fixed: some minor styling issues
Added: support of Aelia Currency Switcher
Fixed: not saving ‘class’ and/or ‘id’ attributes for a, img, table html tags
Fixed: displaying dimensions for cart items even if it is disabled
Improved: suboptions conditional logic functionality based on users’ feedbacks
Added: support of Storefront Sticky header
Improved: suboption conditional logic
Fixed: some minor styling issues
Fixed: a bug on order edit page
Added: suboption conditional logic (currently Select option only)
Added: a possibility to display NOVs in cart/order meta
Fixed: a bug with saving checkboxes values in order meta
Added: a possibility to use regular variables and NOVs as cart discounts values
Fixed: a bug in formula conditional logic
Added: a possibility to use Dropbox as the file storage for the files uploaded via File Upload Options
Updated: Freemius SDK
Added: timepicker mode for Datepicker Option
Added: ‘multiple dates’ mode for Datepicker Option
Added: ‘subscription’ product type unlocked for using in the plugin (experimental)
Updated: jQuery QueryBuilder script to 2.5.2
Fixed: several small style issues
Added: support for “Popup Maker – Popup Forms, Optins & More” plugin; use popups instead of tooltips
Improved: some small enhancements, including adding notifications in case of common errors and issues
Fixed: a bug when ‘remove’ icon is disappeared in NOV matrices
Improvement: small fixes and improvements
Added: support for the plugin add-ons
Hot-fix for price calculation in the cart; there was a bug related to options with suboptions
Fixed: using NOVs in validation conditional logic
Added: support for Avada theme for changing image upon selection in option functionality
Added: a possibility to set NOV value as value for validation attribute
Added: Matrix Option
Added: Colorify functionality
Added: a possibility to add input for range slider in single mode
Added: starting price, price prefix, price postfix and price template for archives settings
Added: support for RTL languages
Fixed: a possibility to add files for order meta if this meta is for File Upload Option
Fixed: displaying added item in WC cart widget
Fixed: some other minor bugs
Hot-fix price displaying issue on other products
Fixed adding custom image (if selected) upon cart item duplication
Fixed updating cart item after ‘full edit’ instead of creating a new cart item
Fixed disabling ‘add to cart’ btn by using a special word ‘disable’ instead of formula
Fixed a JS bug related to price calculation data that is returned from backend
Fixed a bug when adding product to cart
Added support for WC 3.3+
Added ‘min date’ and ‘max date’ settings for Date picker option
Added ‘custom values’ setting for Range Slider option
Added ‘font’ setting for Select option
Added cart item edit ‘full’ mode (PRO)
Added ‘other variables’ are now can be used in Dynamic Notice
Improved File upload: a file will be uploaded automatically after adding
Improved: WC price is now hidden on init
Improved: option’s values are now preserved after page reload during adding to cart
Changed: JS event names are prefixed with ‘uni_’
Fixed saving special tags in Dynamic Notice option
Fixed saving ‘img’ tag in tooltips
Fixed displaying/hiding ‘order disabled’ custom message
Fixed fields conditional logic when using NOVs
Fixed validation for Text Input in ‘decimal’ mode
Fixed a bug when it was not possible to set ‘one letter’ slug for suboptions
Added Dynamic Notice option
Added Range Slider option
Added Dimensions Conditional Logic
Added ‘convert to unit’ functionality for NOVs
Added order item edit functionality
Improved support for various WP themes, fixed some CSS related issues
Improved cart item inline edit functionality – added support for datepicker
Fixed an issue when alt image for suboptions was not actually optional
Fixed an issue when two clicks were needed to select radio input in ‘image’ mode
Fixed an issue related to the order of cart/order meta
Fixed displaying ‘Select options’ instead of ‘Add to cart’ on product archives
Fixed an issue with using a wrong protocol during enqueueing some dynamically generated content on sites with SSL enabled
Improved styles for several option types
Added a scroll bar for the options list in the builder panel
Enhaced and improved
Fixed a bug “Inconsistency of view in builder and in the frontend”
Fixed a bug with displaying prices which are higher than one thousand
The release of the plugin
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