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Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro (v3.0.8 + v2.0.8) Free Download

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled Free Download
Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled Free Download

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Free Download v3.0.8 + v2.0.8

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Free Download v3.0.8 + v2.0.8 | Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled v3.0.8 + v2.0.8 simplifies and improves the checkout experience on WooCommerce websites for your new and repeating customers with a truly linear, Shopify-like checkout.

Eliminate unnecessary friction at the checkout page and benefit from better conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and earned customer loyalty.

Ask for shipping information before billing in a multi-step or one-step checkout, easily add trust symbols and display a coupon code field that does not distract your customers.

Similar to the Shopify checkout, and even better!

Better accessibility at the checkout page with support for keyboard-only navigation and screen readers.

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled FEATURES

  • Edit cart at checkout: Let customers edit product quantity or remove products directly from the checkout page. You might even want to ditch the cart page entirely.
  • Express checkout: display express checkout buttons from popular payment methods at the checkout page.
  • Address book: allow customers to save multiple addresses to their account and choose which ones to use at the checkout and cart pages.
  • Cart page optimization: always updated cart, with operations processed via AJAX, cart cross-sells display, coupon code field, and layout consistent with the checkout page.
  • Thank you / Order confirmation page: order details layout consistent with the checkout page on the order received page and account view order pages.
  • Google Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce: let customers search their addresses and autofill fields in the checkout page using the Google APIs, reducing by around 40% the number of fields they need to type. Also available as a stand-alone plugin.
  • Offer gift options: let customers add a gift message to their order that can to be printed with the packing slips generated by popular invoices and packing slips plugins.
  • Local pickup: hide shipping address when a local pickup shipping method is selected.
  • International phone number: format and validate phone fields on the checkout and account pages based on the country.
  • Integrated coupon code field at the checkout: more options for positions to display the coupon code field.

Future Features Fluid Checkout:

  • Edit cart at checkout
  • Account matching, let registered customers complete the purchase without logging in and attach the order to their account
  • Delayed account creation
  • More layout and design options
  • Customize checkout steps and fields

Some themes may need adjustments due to not using WooCommerce standards hooks or styles. We’ve tested certain third-party WooCommerce themes to ensure better compatibility with Fluid Checkout Nulled. If your theme is not on the list it does not mean it won’t work. Only that we have not tested it yet.

Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Free Download Links


Changelog Fluid Checkout for WooCommerce Pro Nulled

= 3.0.4 – 2023-09-27 =

Bump tested up to WordPress 6.3.1 and WooCommerce 8.1.1
Added: Compatibility with plugin Dintero Checkout for WooCommerce by Krokedil.
Added: New option to highlight the order totals row in the order summary on the checkout page.
Added: New filter fc_expansible_section_toggle_label_{$key}_add_optional_text to allow removing the text “(optional)” from specific optional fields.
Added: New filters fc_order_summary_shipping_package_name and fc_order_summary_shipping_package_price_html to allow changing the label and price for shipping charges on the order summary.
Added: Fragments update script that can be used by add-ons on pages that don’t use native WooCommerce functions to update fragments.
Improved: Show localized price 0,00 (zero) as shipping charge price on the order summary when shipping method chosen does not have associated costs, instead of showing the shipping method name.
Improved: Compatibility with theme OceanWP: fix container class when using the theme header, and disable conflicting theme features.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce: set width to payment elements to avoid them overflowing the available space.
Improved: Use only the cart total value for the cart link on header for mobile view, instead of getting also taxes and info from other plugins.
Fixed: Styles for the shipping method items with classic and other design templates.
Fixed: Styles for the latest payment method list items when the payment box is not present.
Deprecated: Renamed function FluidCheckout_CheckoutPageTemplate::get_hide_site_header_footer_at_checkout, use FluidCheckout_CheckoutPageTemplate::is_distraction_free_header_footer_checkout instead.
= 3.0.3 – 2023-09-13 =

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 8.1
Added: New option to set visibility for the Shipping Company field as Required, Optional or Hidden (removed).
Added: Compatibility with theme Artemis.
Added: Compatibility with theme XStore.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Storefront Powerpack.
Added: Compatibility with plugin TI WooCommerce Wishlist Premium.
Added: Partial compatibility with plugin Digits OTP, because changes to Digits plugin are needed for full compatibility.
Improved: Compatibility with theme ZK Nito: add integration option to enable/disable extra shipping email and phone fields added by the theme.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Riode: fix container class when using the theme header.
Improved: Added inline validation for required checkboxes.
Improved: Added text “(optional)” to the create account checkbox label when registration is not required.
Improved: Display shipping package name, contents and destination on shipping method substep review text when order has multiple shipping packages.
Improved: Pass $substep_id parameters to the filter fc_no_substep_review_text_notice so developers can change it for specific substeps.
Improved: Position for expansible optional fields when displayed as a second column with class form-row-last.
Fixed: Missing SVG logo when using distraction free checkout header.
Fixed: Wrong address used for tax calculation in rare cases when shipping address was different than billing, but only billing address was required for the current cart items.
= 3.0.2 – 2023-08-24 =

Bump tested up to WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.0.2
Added: Compatibility with theme ZK Nito.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Tilopay.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Hungarian Pickup Points & Shipping Labels for WooCommerce (by Viszt Péter).
Improved: Compatibility with theme Woodmart. Disable theme checkout options by default.
Improved: Avoid triggering payment method field validation when updating checkout fragments.
Improved: Handle name fields as a single line for displaying on the substep review text.
Improved: Added filter hooks fc_apply_address_1_field_description and fc_apply_address_2_field_description to stop changing the address fields description and placeholder.
Improved: Handle new custom arguments optional_expand_link_label and optional_expand_link_lowercase for checkout fields array to customize how optional field “+ Add ” links are displayed.
Fixed: PHP warnings when setting shipping address from the shipping calculator on the cart page.
Fixed: Show password toggle buttons on popup login form not working.
Fixed: Compasiron for checkout fields required attribute to accept type casting of non-boolean values.
Fixed: Compatibility with plugin Checkout Field Editor PRO by ThemeHigh causing checkout process to validate conditional fields as required when fields are not available.
Fixed: Remove validation icon from coupon field.
Fixed: Force show coupon code related messages on some edge cases.
= 3.0.1 – 2023-08-04 =

Improved: Compatibility with theme Astra and companion plugin Astra PRO.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Woodmart.
Improved: Add more CSS variables for changing the look of buttons.
Fixed: Duplicate phone field data displayed on order received pages.

= 3.0.0 – 2023-07-18 =

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.9
Added: New feature to select design template for the checkout page, more design template options are available with Fluid Checkout PRO.
Added: PRO settings on the plugin settings page so users can easily discover PRO features.
Added: Compatibility with plugin BRT Fermopoint by BRT.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Payment Plugins for PayPal. Only change the state for checkout updates when the click event is triggered.
Improved: Reorganized plugins settings in sections that are easier to understand and set up.
Improved: Refactor settings to use centralized class with default values.
Improved: Refactor CSS to use CSS variables for customization.
Fixed: Auto selecting and overwriting text of email fields while typing.

= 2.5.2 – 2023-06-30 =

Bump tested up to WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.8.1
Added: Translation to Greek (Greece).
Added: Compatibility with plugin Extra Product Options & Add-Ons for WooCommerce by ThemeComplete.
Added: Compatibility with plugin EU/UK VAT for WooCommerce by WPFactory.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Kadence. Use theme container class when using the theme’s header and footer.
Fixed: Position for payment method logos.
Fixed: Losing focus while typing on address fields in some cases.
Fixed: Compatibility with plugin German Market. Place order button missing on mobile in some cases.
= 2.5.1 – 2023-05-31 =

Added: Compatibility with plugin GP Premium by GeneratePress.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Enfold.
Fixed: Password visibility button not showing when the form section is replaced via checkout fragments.
= 2.5.0 – 2023-05-29 =

IMPORTANT FIX: Critical error introduced in v2.4.0 where functionality was broken with some themes.

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.7.0
Added: Add instant validation for Brazilian documents fields CPF and CNPJ.
Improved: Added CSS variables for many aspects of the design including: colors, borders, some sizing and spacing aspects.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Electro. Support for all pre-defined theme colors, custom theme color and dark mode.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Brazilian Market v3.8.0 or newer. Use new Brazilian documents validation.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Mercado Pago payments for WooCommerce.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin PayPal Brasil para WooCommerce.
Improved: Compatibility with Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce – by CodeRockz, avoid PHP warning messages when that plugin settings are not saved yet.
Improved: Output JS settings object directly to the page head element without being associated with enqueued scripts.
Improved: Prevent replacing the payment methods section while updating checkout fragments when user switches application or hide the browser app on their devices.
Improved: Disable default checkout validation from WooCommerce when validation from Fluid Checkout is enabled.
Fixed: Compatibility with plugin Oxygen Builder.
Fixed: Compatibility with theme Minimog, missing dependencies on cart page breaking functionality.
Fixed: Missing script dependencies breaking functionality on some themes.
Fixed: Contact step being defined as incomplete when account registration is required but user is already logged in.
Fixed: Unblock place order button if an unexpected error happens while trying to complete a purchase.
= 2.4.0 – 2023-04-21 =

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.6.0
Improved: Refactored scripts to reduce duplicate code of utility functions and variables.
Improved: Removed dependency on the library RequireBundle to load scripts and styles.
Improved: Revert to execute scripts on load instead of page DOMContentLoaded for better compatibility. Most notably with Cloudflare Rocket Loader.
Improved: Compatibility with Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce – by CodeRockz, avoid PHP warning messages when that plugin settings are not saved yet.
Improved: Update file checkout.js with latest changes to the original file on the WooCommerce plugin.
Fixed: Do not display “+ Add” link buttons for optional fields that are also hidden from the page.
Fixed: Checkout steps script preventing ENTER key to execute some actions when inside some checkout fields.
= 2.3.4 – 2023-04-06 =

Bump tested up to WordPress 6.2 and WooCommerce 7.5.1
Added: New option to only show checkout sidebar widgets when viewing the last step of checkout on mobile devices.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Woo Additional Terms by MyPreview.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Woo Additional Terms PRO by MyPreview.
Added: Compatibility with plugin YITH WooCommerce Wishlist by YITH.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Divi, load checkout page preview when editing the page with the Divi Builder editor.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Flatsome, correctly recover field focus on desktop devices when updating checkout fragments if the theme feature Float Labels is activated — this does not work well for mobile devices due to browser limitations.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce, fixing the position for the Stripe Link logo.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Elementor, display checkout steps when editing the checkout page on Elementor.
Improved: Added new JS events fc_checkout_fragments_replace_before and fc_checkout_fragments_replace_after to allow external scripts to run processes before and after replacing checkout fragments.
Improved: Added new filter fc_coupon_code_field_description to change or add a description below the coupon code field.
Fixed: Duplicated MailCheck suggestion message.
Fixed: Form loading indicator getting stuck after updating the checkout.js file to use native fetch function instead of jQuery Ajax.
Fixed: Order summary getting sticky state on mobile when it should not, causing other elements to be overlapping and hidden.
Fixed: Logic for the filter fc_force_register_steps.
Fixed: Shipping step not working in some circunstances.
Fixed: Fatal error when trying to determine if a checkout step should be rendered too early.

2.3.3 – 2023-03-22
IMPORTANT FIX: Critical error with the checkout steps count when shipping is not needed for the order, and the multi-step layout is used.

Improved: Remove option to set billing address to same as shipping when the shipping address is not usable for billing.
Improved: Try to expand or collapse fields after changing country on address sections.
Fixed: Shipping address and shipping method not updating correctly on the checkout page when address is changed from the shipping calculator on the cart page.
Fixed: Error on Brazilian Market plugin scripts introduced in previous versions of Fluid Checkout Lite.
Fixed: Critical error with the checkout steps count when shipping is not needed for the order, and the multi-step layout is used.
Fixed: Fatal error when trying to update checkout parts and the email field has an invalid email value.
2.3.2 – 2023-03-13
IMPORTANT FIX: Compatibility with plugin Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce not working properly on mobile devices.

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.5
Improved: Add a safe location for translation files at wp-content/languages/fluid-checkout/.
Improved: Support for language variations to use the main language translation. (Ie.: es_AR will use es_ES for the translation).
Improved: Set constants WOOCOMMERCE_CART and WOOCOMMERCE_CHECKOUT when processing cart and checkout fragment requests respectively. This should fix compatibilty with some plugins.
Improved: Update file checkout.js with latest changes to the original file on the WooCommerce plugin.
Improved: Add security check to dismiss admin notice links and fix related PHP 8.1 deprecated notices.
Fixed: Multiple issues when trying to customize template files.
Fixed: Critical issue on compatibility with Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce (version 1.0.25+) where the PayPal buttons and secure popup did not work properly on mobile devices, and sometimes also not on desktop devices.
2.3.1 – 2023-02-28
Added: Translation to Polish (Poland).
Added: New filter fc_is_checkout_page_or_fragment to set the current request as a checkout request in some cases.
Added: Compatibility with plugin YITH WooCommerce Uploads Premium.
Fixed: Compatibility with plugin Sendinblue – WooCommerce Email Marketing versions 3.0.0+.
Fixed: Display notice to enter complete shipping address to see shipping methods available, instead of an error message from the start.
Fixed: Login link when matching account is detected while trying to place an order with the PayPal plugin from Webtoffee.
Fixed: Additional notes field not visible when previously hidden using the Elementor PRO Checkout widget.
Fixed: Fatal error trying to save changes to the checkout page when using Elementor editor.
2.3.0 – 2023-01-27
POSSIBLY BREAKING CHANGES – Some template files were moved, which can cause customizations to those files to stop working. See documentation on how to customize template files and fix possible issues with your customizations.

Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.4.0
Added: Compatibility with theme Martfury.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Klarna Checkout for WooCommerce by Krokedil.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Klarna Payments for WooCommerce by Krokedil.
Added: Compatibility with plugin PaysonCheckout for WooCommerce by Krokedil.
Added: Functions undo_hooks to feature files to allow undoing hook changes in some rare cases.
Improved: Persist checked state for create account checkbox and use Collapsible Block script to show/hide the account fields section.
Improved: Add loading indicator on the place order button, and other buttons and input fields.
Improved: Prevent starting “update checkout” requests while processing place order submit.
Improved: Separate styles for checkout layout and checkout steps into different files, allowing to load them independently.
Improved: Moved template files to a better structure, making it consistent with the PRO plugin structure and easier to understand. See documentation on how to customize template files and fix possible issues with your customizations.
Improved: Changed the way plugin feature files are registered.
Removed: Filter fc_init_features_list as it has no valid use case.
Deprecated: FluidCheckout::locate_template, use FluidCheckout_Steps::locate_template instead.
Deprecated: FluidCheckout_Steps::get_hide_site_header_footer_at_checkout, use FluidCheckout_CheckoutPageTemplate::get_hide_site_header_footer_at_checkout instead.
Fixed: Set contact step as incomplete when create account checkbox is checked and required fields do not have a value.
Fixed: Missing login form styles on some themes.
Fixed: Only load modifield WooCommerce script files on the affected pages.
Fixed: Compatibility with plugin Hezarfen causing pages to stop processing.

2.2.0 – 2022-12-12
Bump tested up to WooCommerce 7.2.0
Added: Compatibility with plugin Payment Plugins for PayPal WooCommerce – by Payment Plugins.
Added: Display the checkout page with cart items errors message, instead of a message to return to cart.
Improved: Remove duplicate order summary section, which was causing compatibility issues with many plugins.
Improved: Disable the “Log in” link button while loading the scripts.
Improved: Execute script on DOMContentLoaded instead of page load event to enable interactive elements earlier.
Improved: Update customized template files with latest changes in WooCommerce 7.2.
Improved: Disable the “Log in” link button while loading the scripts which enable it to open the login popup section.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Woodmart when setting a background color for the order summary section.
Fixed: Hide login modal and other flyout elements while loading the page.
Fixed: Fix required fields marker for accessibility. Stop adding required attribute to required fields as this sometimes breaks form validation.
Fixed: Fatal error when using other plugins or themes that calls the template file checkout/form-shipping.php directly.
2.1.0 – 2022-12-05
Added: Support for new PRO feature to edit cart items at checkout.
Added: New filter fc_pro_checkout_review_order_table_classes to add additional classes to the order summary table.
Added: Compatibility with theme Minimog.
Added: Order summary will now display the product unit price below the product name.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Divi.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Orchid Store.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Woostify.
Improved: Refactor use of class fc-fragment-always-replace to force replacing checkout page fragments.
Improved: Refactor styles for shipping methods pricing labels to automatically align to the center vertically when more elements are displayed.
Improved: Check if template file exists in the override path before trying to use it.
2.0.9 – 2022-11-21
Bump tested up to WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.0
Added: Compatibility with the upcoming feature WooCommerce HPOS (High Performance Order Storage).
Added: Compatibility with theme Astra PRO (Astra PRO add-on plugin).
Added: Compatibility with plugin PayPal Brasil para WooCommerce.
Added: Compatibility with plugin Woocommerce UPS Israel Domestic Printing Plugin.
Added: Translation to German Formal (Sie). It is a copy of the German (Germany) translation which is already translated as German Formal (Sie).
Improved: Compatibility with theme Astra.
Improved: Compatibility with plugin Delivery & Pickup Date Time for WooCommerce (by CodeRockz). Refactor compatibility class to use checkout steps class directly.
Fixed: Order summary table styles for better compatibility with various themes.
Fixed: Always redirect back to checkout page after login when customer is logging in from the checkout page or login link button from the checkout page.
2.0.8 – 2022-10-28
Bump tested up to WordPress 6.0.3 and WooCommerce 7.0.0
Improved: Translations for Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese Brazil.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Woodmart, fixing the styles for the Woodmart checkout steps section on the checkout page when using the plugin’s header.
Improved: Compatibility with theme Blocksy, fixing payment method logos stretched and checkboxes missing checked state styles.
Improved: Remove checkout field validation classes ending with -field when clearing checkout field validation state.
Removed: Admin notice about features moved to the PRO version.
Fixed: Position of optional fields to always start a new row in the checkout form, making it easier to scan and find optional fields and fixes layout issues.
Fixed: Returning invalid variable when trying to show login link on checkout error message for user already registered.
Fixed: Billing phone required message being displayed when billing phone is displayed in the “Contact” step and “Billing same as shipping address” checkbox is checked and the shipping phone field is empty.

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