The WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees Free Download v4.5 | WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees Nulled v4.5 extension enables you to add a fee to an order, depending on the chosen payment gateway.
The fee can be automatically assessed on the price of certain products in the cart or the cart total, in addition to being changed on an order by the shop administrator at any time. A fee may also be applied manually, i.e., if the customer wants to switch payment methods after checkout is completed.
General options overview:
- Enable/Disable additional fees for entire website without removing data
- Enable additional fees for a single gateway or a single product
- Automatic calculation of fees for each gateway or each product
- Change the automatically calculated fee on the order page
- Option to manually add a fee to an order, after the user completes checkout
- Option to manually add a fee to orders you create on the admin page
- Define a maximum limit to which a fee is added at the cart level
- Define a maximum limit to which a fee is added for a product
- Tax calculation for additional fees is also supported
- Three calculation methods:
- “Fixed amount”: Adds a fixed amount
- “add % to total amount”: Adds a percentage depending on the total amount of the product price or order total
- “include % in total amount”: The fee is calculated as a commission rate (you will be payed the total amount of the order)
- WPML compatible – fee caption/title can be translated (requires WPML 4.2.8 or later)
The Payment Gateway Based Fees extension is currently not compatible with the automated taxes service of the Jetpack plugin. Please select “Disable automated taxes” (Tax tab) on the WooCommerce settings page. We will support this feature as soon as third party developers can hook into the automated tax calculation.
WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees Nulled Changelog
*** WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees (prior Additional Fees) Changelog *** 2023.01.02 - version 3.2.6 * Security fix: added esc_attr to woocommerce-additional-fees\v2614\class-wc-add-fees.php line 1050ff 2022.09.06 - version 3.2.5 * Added support for plugin 2022.01.26 - version 3.2.4 * Added filter 'wc_add_fees_subscriptions_remove_fees' - remove manually added fees (e.g. if our fees are added manually we do not recognise them) * checked compatibility for WP 5.8 and WooCommerce 6.1 2021.03.25 - version 3.2.3 * Pay for order page fix: Force calculation of fees on pageload (WC has by default payment method N/A on new created orders in backend * Add loading icon on "Pay for order page" 2021.03.20 - version 3.2.2 * klarna_payments compatibility: gateway not recognised on checkout page 2020.12.29 - version 3.2.1 * Version bump: checked compatibility for WP 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8 2020.11.16 - version 3.2 * Improved: change logic to load available payment gateways to avoid 3-rd party plugins not activating gateways properly on ajax callback calculating fees 2020.08.22 - version 3.1.12 * Fixed: ZIP Payment Gateway not calculating fees * Fixed: Subscription plugin pay for failed renewal order creates a new order 2020.07.08 - version 3.1.11 * Fixed: Admin payment methods N/A and Other are supported with "Disabled" - no fees added 2019.10.30 - version 3.1.10 * Fixed: escape attributes on pay for order page 2019.09.18 - version 3.1.9 * Fixed: a bug when other WPML components are used function wpml_get_active_languages() does not exist 2019.09.15 - version 3.1.8 * Added: WPML support to translate option "Output text" for cart fee 2019.09.14 - version 3.1.7 * Fixed: WC 3.7 comp. with additional tax classes being moved from options to database table * Fixed a bug with subscription plugin and pay for order page - invalid order status * Add new filters - wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_valid_order_statuses - wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_force_continue_classes - wc_add_fees_pay_for_order_force_continue fixes problems with 3rd party like subscriptions not returning a valid order status in filter woocommerce_valid_order_statuses_for_payment - wc_add_fees_fee_output_text - allows to change fee output text in frontend e.g. translate for WPML 2019.08.15 - version 3.1.6 * WC 3.7 compatibility bug saving options page not working 2018.06.03 - version 3.1.5 * Fix problem with sanitized tax class value in order item fee * Move main plugin file to woocommerce-additional-fees.php to support new WC update feature 2018.03.17 - version 3.1.4 * Fix support of fees for variation products 2018.02.28 - version 3.1.3 * Add new options - Minimum cart value for adding fee - Minimum fee * Add new filters - wc_add_fees_maximum_cart_order_value - wc_add_fees_minimum_cart_order_value