Viral WooCommerce Plugin: BuyForMe (v4.1.6)
Download Free Viral WooCommerce Plugin: BuyForMe v4.1.6
Viral WooCommerce Plugin: BuyForMe Free Download 4.1.6 – CodeCanyon | Viral WooCommerce Plugin: BuyForMe v4.1.6 enables your users to find out how they may ask friends for a present. Appropriate for all WooCommerce topics.
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You can deliver the product to anyone with this plugin rather than a conventional e-mail with a link.
When you click the Buy For Me Nulled button, an e-mail preview box appears. The image, title and price of the product are presented here. Now you choose a good color, type your message, make your button ready and email it to everybody.
Perfect Marketing
The creation of specific ads for days such as Santa Claus, New Year, Christmas, Mom’s Day etc. is a frequent approach of inducing visitors to purchase a product.
You can now utilize the “Buy For Me Nulled” plugin to help users share their products (and naturally your brand) in a nice way with friends.
Increase Memorable Visits
Especially from the point of view of remarketing, today is highly significant for your visitors. The “Buy For Me” plugin helps you enhance your store’s return rate by offering a memorable and original buying experience.
Grotte – A dedicated Woo-Commerce theme received the Envato’s Most Wanted: WooCommerce Shopfront themes competition on this plugin with the most innovative e-commerce experience.
BuyForMe – Viral WooCommerce Plugin Features:
- Suitable for all WooCommerce themes
- Enable/Disable the button at any time
- Plugin uses the default font of your theme
- You can write anything instead of “Buy For Me”
- Easy usage. Ready to go in 5 mins
- A “Buy For Me†button appears on category and product pages
- Shortcode can be used to display the button
- Go to “WooCommerce > Settings > Buy For Me” to see the settings
- Mobile friendly & responsive design
- You can disable the .pot file and use the settings panel for translation
- Translate into any language
- Enable/Disable the button for each product separately
- The button will be the same with your theme’s design
- Show/Hide the button on category pages
- Unlimited color options
- Plugin uses your theme’s colors but you can override them on settings panel
- Buy For Me Plugin Nulled – Testimonial
- Plugin can be used together with additional plugins like “Quick View”
- You can use your store’s logo and set the size of it
- Compatible with WPML
- No coding knowledge required
- You can change the design via custom CSS
- Translation (.pot) file included
- Font Awesome support. You can add an icon to your button
- Super light structure and high performance on any platform
- Detailed documentation
Old Version
Changelog BuyForMe – Viral WooCommerce Plugin Nulled
# RELEASE NOTES # *** v.4.1 *** + Minor fixes & style improvements. + WooCommerce update. *** v.4.0 *** + Stability and performance improvements. + Minor fixes. *** v.3.2 *** + Data validation fixes. + Various arrangements for meeting latest WordPress standards. *** v.3.1 *** + Help file updated. + Performance Improvement: The Buy For Me window only loads if the button is active. *** v.3.0 *** + Fixed a bug where the preview window doubled while using the button shortcode. *** v.2.9 *** + You can now add the sender/receiver name to the sent e-mail subject. + Use %email% tag to display the sender e-mail in disclaimer notice. *** v.2.8 *** + A bug fixed where a variable product with a chosen attribute is added into "Upsells" causes a fatal error.
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