Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce v5.2.5
Download Free Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce v5.2.5
Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce Free Download v5.2.5 – CodeCanyon | Warranties and Returns for WooCommerce Nulled v5.2.5 is brilliant and easy-to-use plugin contains the ultimate warranties and returns management system for WooCommerce Nulled! The most cost-effective alternative on the market! Set warranty period, add warranty thumbnails, allow product returns, and more!
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Assign single or multiple warranties to your products, build forms and warranty presets, ‘Included’ or ‘Paid’ fast warranty styles included, set warranty period, add warranty thumbnails, and more!
Manage all of your requests on a single page, change request statuses on the fly with a single click, send an email to your customers directly from the request manager pages, add unlimited warranties to a product, easily sell warranties with your products, add warranties to your variable products, provide your customers with an easy overview of warranty requests, allow multiple warranty requests and guest warranty requests, and more.
The Warranties and Returns plugin for WooCommerce Nulled includes all of the functionality you’ll need to manage your product warranties and returns quickly and professionally.
Powerful Warranties and Returns Manager
The most straightforward boss available. With only a few taps, you can manage requests. Warranties and Returns requests are managed in their own section of your Dashboard, with dynamic alerts for new requests. With all options readily accessible and editable, as well as the Request Status switcher, a very intuitive framework allows you to process requests in seconds. Mark the warranty or return request as Processing, Completed, or Rejected manually. Directly from the Request Manager, send a short email to the requesting client, along with an Email Template manager.
Warranties and Returns Requests
Customers will make requests. Make your own request forms! Use the Request Warranty page that is created automatically, or build your own. Use Text, Paragraph, Checkbox, Radio Button, Dropdown, or Address fields to create custom warranties and returns request types. Add more options to your request form by editing any area.
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