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WISDM Customer Specific Pricing (v4.6.11) Nulled

WISDM Customer Specific Pricing Nulled
WISDM Customer Specific Pricing

Free Download WISDM Customer Specific Pricing Nulled v4.6.11 | WISDM Customer Specific Pricing Free Download v4.6.11 – Personalization is a key conversion factor that’s proven to show results: Research says that 44% of consumers become repeat buyers after a personalized shopping experience. Setting dynamic prices for customers makes them feel special and increases the chances they’ll make a purchase.

The WISDM Customer Specific Pricing plugin makes it easy for you to set specialized prices in bulk, create flat rate or percentage discount rules for multiple products or categories, and create cart discounts. 

Set prices per customer

Award individual customers or a specific group or user role with discounts by setting exclusive prices for your products. Earn recurring revenue and grow customer loyalty. 

Set site-wide discounts with global discount rules.

Now you can set quantity based user, role, group-specific discount rules using Global Discounts feature.

Create cart discounts

Set tiered discounts for products in a cart based on the cart value. Coax customers into increasing purchase quantity or buying more products for better savings.

Import prices in bulk

With WISDM Customer Specific Pricing, there’s no need to edit personalized prices per product — there’s an option to import prices in bulk and set prices for different categories.


  1. Fixed prices or percentage discounts: Set flat prices or percentage discounts for different customers, user roles, or groups
  2. Dynamic cart discounts: Create cart discount rules based on order values. Restrict discounts by setting a maximum discount value and excluding certain users, roles, products, or categories
  3. Import/Export bulk pricing data: Save time by automatically setting prices for customers, user roles, or groups by exporting/importing pricing data through a CSV file. Set prices by Product ID or SKU. You can import or export pricing rules by Products, Categories or Global discounts for users, roles and group.
  4. Sale price badge: Alert customers immediately to the savings they earn by striking through the actual price and showing them their discounted price.
  5. Tiered pricing: Set discounts based on product quantities. For example, you can create a BOGO (buy one, get one free) offer by offering two products for the price of one.
  6. Custom message on cart page: Display a custom message on the cart page to let buyers know when additional purchases will trigger a discount.
  7. Multi-site compatible: The plugin works flawlessly on WordPress multisite, making life easy for website administrators.
  8. Sitewide Discounts: Allows to set site-wide quantity based user, role & group-specific pricing rules.

WISDM Customer Specific Pricing Free Download Links

Changelog WISDM Customer Specific Pricing Nulled

Version 4.6.9
RELEASED ON 2023-09-05
Compatibility with HPOS
Version 4.6.8
RELEASED ON 2023-06-20
Group Table not found. #79585
Variations of Products with the Same Price are Displayed within a Range. #79585
Adding an EnDash Symbol for Variable Products. #79585
Unable to Retrieve Prices After Clicking 'Set Price' on the CSP Product Price Page. #80419
The issue where CSP price cannot be greater than the regular price or sale price. #80968
The Strikethrough issue when CSP price is not defined.
The issue related to Sales Tag when sale price is defined.
The Sales price range issue of variable product when CSP price is not defined.
Version 4.6.7
RELEASED ON 2022-12-22
Sale Price not showing when it is less than CSP/Regular Price. #78036
Sale badge was not showing on CSP product. #78019
Sale badge was not showing on CSP table. #78246
Same Price in variable products unable to display Regular price on frontend page. #78135
Variations titles instead of variations ID in DualList Box.
Version 4.6.6
RELEASED ON 2022-06-06
Compatibility with WordPress 6.0.
Version 4.6.5
RELEASED ON 2022-04-05
Group based prices miss the numbers after decimal places when comma is used as the decimal separator. #76597
Import/Export scheduling does not work when cron gets triggered by the guest user. #76666
User not found issue on the WordPress multisite in the Import CSP rules feature. #76653
Role based Global discount rules duplicate during import. #76646
Deprecated function change. #76600
Missing headers, inserted and updated statuses when downloading import report in case of a new import functionality. #76704
Not able to delete the rule using action delete icon. #76835
After deleting the User Group Rule from Search By & Delete, the extra rules are been getting listed. #76834
When trying to delete User Role from Search By & Delete, the loading icon keeps on rotating. #76832
In rsp-product, blank product_id rules are also getting Inserted. #76831
Added product_id header when importing using product sku. #76829
Fixed message issue in import report when product sku is not missing. #76828
The progress bar gets stuck, if we try to add already added same rule. #76827
CSV rule with empty %_discount and flat price is getting added. #76825
Fatal error when WooCommerce is not active. #76824
A filter to enable editing the CSP prices fetched in the WooCommerce Dashboard Orders. #76645
A filter to add the suffix after CSP price. #76726
Version 4.6.4
RELEASED ON 2021-07-28
Issue with variable product price range when user specific pricing is not assigned.
Issue on the simple product edit page when non-default decimal separetor used.
Version 4.6.3
RELEASED ON 2021-07-12
Regular price text option in CSP display the price without tax.
Deactivate/Activate Category pricing feature is not working.
The strings in the cart discounts offer message are not translatable.
Tab accessibility as a submenus to the CSP.
Option to export all the pricing rules set by CSP as an archive.(Rule Backup)
Filters included to disable CSP rule management from the product edit pages.
It's now possible to set a rule with a 100% discount.
Improved import feature for faster rule import, (option to revert back to the old feature).
Scheduled Backups.
Scheduled Imports.
Version 4.6.2
RELEASED ON 2020-12-08
Issue with saving the global discount rules.
Compatibility tested with WordPress 5.6.0.
Added several new filters to allow extending the functionality.

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