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WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate (v3.15.3) Free Download

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Free Download

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Free Download v3.15.3 | WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Nulled v3.15.3 , a top-tier custom product add-ons plugin, is an instrumental tool in offering this high level of personalisation.

The plugin allows customers to personalise your products by adding extra options like text boxes, dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons to your product pages. The real magic is in the level of control you have with this plugin; you can add as many additional fields as you want, giving you and your customers fine-grained control over product configuration.

One of the most powerful features of Add-Ons Ultimate is that every field can be assigned a price. This adjustment either adds or subtracts from the original product price, allowing you to charge extra for personalisations and thereby add value to each of your products and increase your profitability. Moreover, certain fields, such as dropdowns and radio buttons, can have different prices associated with each option, offering you further versatility.

The Pro version of Add-Ons Ultimate takes customisation to the next level. It introduces advanced custom fields, including calculations, child products, and checkbox groups. These advanced fields provide even more ways to personalise products and make your store stand out from the crowd.

WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate by PluginRepublic nulled isn’t just for any specific niche; it’s perfect for any WooCommerce store that needs to add custom product add-ons or fields. Jewelry stores can use it to offer personalized engravings, while florists can allow customers to add custom messages to bouquets. Booking sites can use it to offer extra services, and gift shops can provide options for gift wrapping or personalized messages.

Clothing and apparel stores can offer custom embroidery or other customizations, and print shops can use it to allow customers to choose the specific details of their print jobs. For customisable greeting cards, electronics and computer stores, or virtually any other type of eCommerce business, Add-Ons Ultimate provides the tools to make personalisation easy and profitable. (LATEST)

If you’re seeking to enable your customers to personalise your products and enhance their shopping experience, WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate is for you. This plugin doesn’t just offer product personalisation; it provides a comprehensive solution for adding value to your products, differentiating your store, and increasing profitability. Experience the ultimate in eCommerce personalisation with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate.

Changelog WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Ultimate Nulled

= 3.13.1, 8 June 2023 =
* Added: Display as swatch option for Radio Group and Checkbox Group fields
* Added: pewc_wcmmqo_disable_validate_child_products filter
* Fixed: group condition using 'contains' as operator does not work when referencing a Products field
* Fixed: some issues with quantities of child products when editing add-ons of products in the cart
* Fixed: option prices in add-on fields show zero price in the suffix
* Updated: display an alert message if there was an error in getting PDF page count
* Updated: delete pewc_categories_field_products_ transient on product save
* Updated: compatibility of child products with WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order
= 3.13.0, 16 May 2023 =
* Added: Set child product quantity using calculation fields
* Added: field_xxx_length etc tags for calculations to get dimensions of selected child products (independent quantities, radio images and list only)
* Added: field_xxx_quantity - get quantity of child products in field (independent quantities, radio images and list only)
* Added: pewc_after_pewc_add_on_product action hook
* Fixed: percentage price on a Text field overwrites the per-character calculation
* Fixed: Image Swatch field not validating properly if Flat Rate and Allow Multiple are enabled
* Fixed: default value for Products field with Radio Images layout not getting put back after being hidden
* Fixed: generating a thumbnail fails if a PDF has a very large resolution
* Updated: child product templates
* Updated: Radio Group fields can now be used as look up fields for look up tables
* Updated: added $cart_item_data argument to pewc_cart_item_extras_child_product filter

= 3.12.3, 17 April 2023 =
* Fixed: custom attributes cause PHP warnings on product pages
* Fixed: fatal error when adding to cart a product with add-on field that is dependent on an image swatch or checkbox group field but no options were selected
* Fixed: if AJAX uploader is disabled, product is still added to the cart even if uploaded file is invalid
* Updated: replace main image with image swatch selection compatibility with Porto theme

= 3.12.2, 5 April 2023 =
* Added: pewc_next_step_text filter
* Added: calculation tag for PDF page count
* Added: use {pa_attribute} in calculations
* Added: option to hide totals until fields validated
* Added: hide_totals_timer filter
* Added: pewc_attach_images_to_email_ids filter
* Added: pewc_disable_esc_url_uploaded_file filter
* Fixed: required Products fields fail validation when Optimised validation is enabled and child product price is zero
* Fixed: when using the filter pewc_disable_button_recalculate, Add to cart button also gets disabled if a page does not have calculation fields
* Fixed: PHP warnings on incomplete group conditions
* Fixed: default color for Color Picker field not getting applied on the front end product page
* Fixed: ensure quantity fields aren't hidden in child product fields
* Fixed: image swatch field price does not reset when hidden by a condition
* Fixed: calculation field sometimes triggers Javascript loop
* Fixed: default value for Products field with Radio Images layout not working on frontend
* Fixed: Upload field always fails validation if field is required and if AJAX uploader is disabled
* Fixed: image upload does not work on newly added row on an Information field
* Fixed: rounding issues if the setting Hide child products in the cart is enabled
* Updated: if Optimised validation is enabled, fields now show an error if customer selects more than the max limit
* Updated: when using the filter pewc_disable_button_recalculate, Add to cart button now shows "Calculating..." when disabled
* Updated: compatibility with Polylang
* Updated: hide 'Minimum price' option - use pewc_enable_minimum_price_option filter
* Updated: select field styles for cross browser consistency

= 3.12.1, 7 February 2023 =
* Added: pewc_order_item_upload_other_data filter
* Added: pewc_set_initial_key filter
* Added: total_variations tag for WooCommerce Better Variations grid compatibility
* Fixed: price not hidden on product page if Price label display setting is Hide price and Update price label is enabled
* Fixed: child products not added to parent product's meta if using Variations grid layout
* Fixed: PHP warnings if using Variations Grid layout
* Fixed: fields with incomplete conditions not getting added to the cart
* Updated: images in templates for Products field
* Updated: pewc_filter_group_title params
* Updated: Dutch translation

= 3.12.0, 12 December 2022 =
* Added: set attributes in conditions
* Added: pewc_add_cart_item_data_upload_file filter
* Added: pewc_get_item_data_after_file filter
* Added: pewc_filter_price_for_uploads filter
* Added: pewc_uploaded_file_display_name filter
* Added: pewc_disable_wcfad_on_addons filter
* Added: support for attributes on field conditions of variable products
* Added: disable_button_recalculate and recalculate_waiting_time filters
* Fixed: tooltip not working in Global Addons
* Fixed: compatibility issues with Fees and Discounts if calculation field uses product_price tag in its formula
* Fixed: incorrect prices in the dynamic pricing table for Fees and Discounts when a product uses a calculation field that sets the product price
* Fixed: issue with default values in fields hidden by nested conditions
* Updated: disable add-to-cart button for Upload and Calculation fields
* Updated: pewc_wc_price Javascript function now uses WooCommerce's accounting.js
* Updated: check file parameters for uploads

=, 17 November 2022 =
* Fixed: security vulnerability when using summary panel

= 3.11.8, 18 October 2022 =
* Updated: additional security hardening

= 3.11.7, 17 October 2022 =
* Fixed: security vulnerability for uploaded files in Firefox under certain conditions
* Updated: changed default preset style to 'simple'

= 3.11.6, 5 October 2022 =
* Added: Value Only option in Option Price Visibility
* Added: {field_x_option_value} tag in Calculation fields
* Added: character counter for Text Preview field
* Added: pewc_show_link_only_cart and pewc_remove_thumbs_in_order_page filters
* Added: pewc_calc_result_format filter for changing display format of Calculation fields
* Fixed: item price in mini cart does not include product add-on price
* Fixed: when referencing a Text Preview field in the conditions, condition value field is not available
* Fixed: validation for Text Preview fields
* Fixed: grand total does not update on the product page when changing the quantity and when the product price is set by a calculation field
* Fixed: conditions based on quantity does not respond when Optimised conditions is enabled
* Fixed: min / max characters do not appear for Text Preview fields
* Fixed: max_date setting for non-English languages

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