WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches (v1.1.2) Download
WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Free Download v1.1.2
WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Free Download v1.1.2 | WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Nulled v1.1.2 | Displaying variation swatches for WooCommerce Nulled is a very helpful and necessary feature for a WooCommerce website. Do you want your variations to look more decorated, with different styles, and you can even customize them? A plugin that helps you create and customize variation swatches for WooCommerce websites makes the variations of your items look impressive and professional. Customers find it more comfortable and convenient to view variations of products as swatches. It catches their eyes, therefore, they make a decision to purchase more quickly.
WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Nulled is a variation swatches for WooCommerce plugin that allows you to show the product attributes in the front end the way you design them in the back end. It contains multiple options for the admin to manage the settings of global attributes and make them display in different types, styles, or profiles. The admin can decide to show them on a single product page, or on the Product list. You can also customize the swatches profile, enable showing variation swatches for WooCommerce on the widget, add custom CSS to design variation swatches for WooCommerce, and do many more things with our plugin.
woocommerce-product-variations-swatches-nulled.zip ( LATEST)
Changelog WooCommerce Product Variations Swatches Nulled
/**1.1.2 - 2024.04.23**/
- Fixed: fixed show all attribute in product loop
- Updated: Compatibility with WP 6.5 and WC 8.7
- Updated: Update file support
/**1.1.1 - 2023.10.10**/
- Fixed: Fixed Custom attribute special charset
- Updated: Compatibility with WP 6.3 and WC 8.0
/**1.1.0 - 2023.08.08**/
- Updated: Update file support
- Updated: Option show all attribute in product loop
- Updated: Compatibility with HPOS-WC 7.9
- Fixed: Type button and radio not change image
/**1.0.19 - 2023.06.20**/
- Updated: Compatibility with WC 7.8
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