WooCommerce Upload Files Nulled v82.8 | WooCommerce Upload Files Free Download v82.8 upload any file of any size on the product, cart, checkout, thank you, and/or order details pages! Preview images, add additional costs, fees, and many more options!
It’s very simple! To configure a new upload field go to Upload files Configurator Nulled menu and add a new Upload field.
Once created, the admin has just to configure on which page the field has to be displayed (Product, Cart, Checkout, Order details) and configure its “visibility” according to the filtering criteria (enabled/disabled for specific products, categories, or for every item).
This will create one upload field for every matching product (and optionally also for every single variant according to some restrictions in the case of the Product page) displayed in the selected pages!
Furthermore, for more deep customization, is also possible to specify some other options like:
- Field title
- HTML/CSS description
- HTML/CSS text showed after the upload has been completed (it’s also possible to use some special shortcodes to display the file list with image/audio preview)
- max uploadable file size
- max and min images width, height, and DPI (works only if uploaded files are jpg/png. DPI data is read from image EXIF. If it has no valid EXIF data the upload won’t be permitted)
- allowed file types
- email notifications
- enable multiple files upload per single field
- …and much more!
WooCommerce Upload Files Free Download
Changelog WooCommerce Upload Files Nulled
= 82.8 - 27.08.24 =
* Added a warning that let you know in case of usage of Checkout/Cart block instead of the standard template
* Added a feature that allows you to restore the standard template