![WooCommerce Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway (v2.5.8) [Tyson Armstrong] Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway nulled](https://jojo-themes.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Westpac-St.-George-PayWay-NET-Payment-Gateway-nulled-1.png)
WooCommerce Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway (v2.5.8) [Tyson Armstrong]
WooCommerce Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway Nulled v2.5.8 | WooCommerce Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway Free Download v2.5.8 allows you to use Westpac PayWay Net as a credit card processor, using their Westpac hosted website process.
The Westpac PayWay NET Payment Gateway allows you to use Westpac PayWay NET as a credit card processor via their shopping cart process , and also works with St. George Bank. You can process Visa and Mastercard by default, and optionally accept American Express, Diners Club and JCB after activation by your bank.
This gateway supports three integration methods. Trusted Frame is the newer and preferred integration. The gateway generates a credit card form in an iFrame on your checkout page. The disadvantage is that it is slightly harder to style (though you can add custom styles via the plugin configuration). Hosted Payment Page is also supported. The customer will be redirected to a PayWay page to complete their payment. Using this method the customer does not get redirected back to your site, and it can take up to 5 minutes to acknowledge the payment in WooCommerce. This method does support 3D Secure. Direct Post (deprecated as of 1 Jan 2023) is the older integration method and is easier to style, however requires the credit card collection to take place on a separate page after the checkout page.
Credit card details are sent directly from your checkout page to the Payway servers where they are processed and then user is redirected to your thank you page. As the credit card details never touch your server, there’s no need to worry with complex PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).
Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway Free Download Link
Changelog Westpac & St. George PayWay NET Payment Gateway Nulled
2023.10.19 - version 2.5.4
* Remove deprecated warnings for PHP 8.2
* Add wc-processing class to checkout form before Trusted Frame processing
2023.04.21 - version 2.5.3
* Fix for handling 3DS2 authentication errors
2023.04.17 - version 2.5.2
* Added server side validation for reCAPTCHA when using Trusted Frame
2023.03.22 - version 2.5.1
* Fix to show reCAPTCHA settings fields when Trusted Frame is selected
* Fix for reCAPTCHA validation when a non-Payway gateway is used
2023.02.14 - version 2.5.0
* Added support for 3D Secure v2 with Trusted Frame
* Use order number as customer reference for basic Trusted Frame payments
* Added stored order meta for Trusted Frame payment result datetime and amount fields
2022.12.12 - version 2.4.0
* Added support for Hosted Payment Page
* Deprecated Direct Post. Users of Direct Post will be switched to Hosted Payment Page automatically.
2022.11.10 - version 2.3.1
* Fix for deprecated syntax in PHP 8.1
2022.10.19 - version 2.3.0
* Added Saved Cards functionality for Trusted Frame
2022.07.25 - version 2.2.1
* Fix for Direct Post transaction amount appearing incorrectly in order notes when amount > $999
2020.10.05 - version 2.2.0
* Direct Post - add option to trigger receipt email from Westpac to customer
* Replace deprecated functions
2020.09.25 - version 2.1.1
* Trusted Frame now submits customer's IP to Payway
2020.08.11 - version 2.1.0
* Added option to enable reCAPTCHA on payment page for Direct Post and Trusted Frame
2020.02.07 - version 2.0.10
* Minor fix for NET timing issue where order is set to pending on thankyou page as order is marked as processing
2019.12.09 - version 2.0.9
* Fix for Direct Post - added support for OpenSSL instead of mcrypt which is not available in PHP 7.2
2019.03.21 - version 2.0.8
* Corrected IP address message in admin
* Adding backwards compatibility support for description filter change
* Fix for Trusted Frame - wait for page load before initalizing trusted frame
2018.12.06 - version 2.0.7
* Allowing filter on description field
2018.09.03 - version 2.0.6
* Update cacerts.crt
2018.07.24 - version 2.0.5
* Fix for API call logging error
2018.02.13 - version 2.0.4
* Fix for Trusted Frame on Pay For Order endpoint
2018.01.05 - version 2.0.3
* Fix for Trusted Frame after updated checkout page
2017.12.05 - version 2.0.2
* Remove unnecessary return_url property
* Added support for a new error "Your facility does not have the required module."
* Switched from ipconfig.me to ipconfig.co for determining external IP
2017.11.21 - version 2.0.1
* Fix for error when renewing API Key for Trusted Frame
2017.10.25 - version 2.0.0
* Added new integration method: Trusted Frame
* New users will default to Trusted Frame, existing sites will continue on Direct Post after upgrade
* Added spinner gif on Direct Post page after entering card details
2017.10.15 - version 1.5.3
* Fix for user message shown from successful payment following failed payment
* Updated use of woocommerce_empty_cart function to wc_empty_cart
2017.04.07 - version 1.5.2
* Fix for accessing order key in older versions of WC (< 3.0)
2017.03.13 - version 1.5.1
* Updated cacerts.crt provided by Westpac
* Fix for accessing order variable in WC 2.7
2016.09.22 - version 1.5
* Adds support for Mastercards starting with 2
* Errored payments now log to WC logs
2015.07.29 - version 1.4.1
* Fix for redefined function (if using multiple Australian payment gateways)
2014.08.27 - version 1.4
* Added support for St. George Payway
2014.05.05 - version 1.3.1
* Fix for hidden fields being returned by Westpac affecting parameter decryption
2013.12.01 - version 1.3
* Added WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility
2013.12.01 - version 1.2.2
* Added support for Sequential Order Numbers extension
2013.09.23 - version 1.2.1
* Updated to use certs file
2013.06.13 - version 1.2
* Switch to using get_header hook for result decryption
* Displaying CURL external IP instead of server IP in admin
2013.06.04 - version 1.1
* Bug Fixes
2013.04.25 - version 1.0
* First Release
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