WoWonder (v4.3.4) The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Nulled
Download Free WoWonder v4.3.4 The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Nulled
WoWonder The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Nulled v4.3.4 – CodeCanyon | WoWonder The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Free Download v4.3.4 – For WoWonder Social PHP Script is a PHP Social Network Script, WoWonder is the best way to start your own social network website! Our platform is fast, secured, and it is being regularly updated.
WoWonder is the only social network in the market that fully support native mobile apps, thanks to our advanced API system!
Table Of Content
- Highly Customization
- Super Fast
- High Performance
- Fully Responsive
- Latest Technology
- Cloud Upload
- Powerful Admin Panel
- Earn More Money
- Instant Messaging
- All payment methods are supported!
- Powerful Live Streaming
WoWonder Free Download Link
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Changelog For WoWonder Social PHP Script Nulled
FIXED if you post a public post, then make it monetized, the subscribe button will not show.
FIXED images were loading in reels.
FIXED showing youtube videos on watch page which cause some issues.
FIXED shwoing only one video in watch lightbox.
FIXED monetization system caluclation was incorrect.
FIXED showing the same ad multiple times in the story section.
FIXED reels system, not showing more than 10 videos.
FIXED scrolling down on phone does not work on reels page.
FIXED currency issues in monetization system.
FIXED backend config encryption system, the secret keys were not encrypted and could cause data leak.
FIXED many issues in design.
FIXED 10 other minor bugs.
ADDED monetization system, users are able now to sell their own content like only fans.
ADDED directory system, users can view the site content without the need to login.
ADDED the option to choose the default landing page, NewsFeed, Register, Welcome or Directory.
ADDED reels system, users can upload their own videos as reels.
ADDED watch page, users can view and watch all videos from one page.
ADDED qiwi pament method.
ADDED payfast payment method.
ADDED switch accounts system, user can login to multiple accounts.
ADDED the ability for users to create ads in story system.
ADDED wordpress login system.
FIXED 95+ reported bugs in the system.
IMPROVED code in few files.
UPDATED few libs in PHP.
IMPROVED nodejs chat system speed and code.
FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
FIXED sorting by price doesn't work well on marketplace.
FIXED creating an article in the blog and publishing it, it does not show words with accented letters.(à,è,ì,ò,ù).
FIXED 10+ minor bugs in back and front end.
v4.2 (2 May, 2023)
ADDED new theme, updated sunshine to v2 completely.
ADDED AI image generation system, now users can generate images directly and post them.
ADDED AI post and text generation system, now users can generate texts and post ideas directly and post them.
ADDED AI article generation system, now users can generate articles in blog system.
ADDED AI image editing system, users can edit their avatar and cover as they want using text promots.
ADDED AI system using credit system, charge your website's users for each image, text generated.
ADDED google authentication for two authentication system.
ADDED authy authentication for two authentication system.
ADDED Braintree payment gateway.
ADDED username restriction, disallow and band usernames.
ADDED photo quailty option in admin panel.
ADDED the ability to enable or disable start up page.
ADDED the ability to choose RTL lang from admin panel.
ADDED support for PHP v8.2
UPDATED text editors.
FIXED 10+ API issues.
FIXED sitemap system generating more than 50K element in one file.
FIXED Yoomoney payment not funding.
FIXED text editor can't add images in edit terms or edit pages in admin panel.
FIXED filter by active users in Admin > Manage Users not working.
FIXED Moderator cannot edit languages.
FIXED disabling blog system still showing create article link in header.
FIXED Google Vision API not working if posting an album.
FIXED video is no auto pausing if you scroll down to other posts.
FIXED banned user's posts still showing on hashtag page.
FIXED if the hashtag has capital letter it makes it an entirely different hashtag.
FIXED broken datepicker in settings page.
FIXED Invitation codes can not be generated in admin panel.
FIXED /movies/watch url returning 404 page.
FIXED when you create a fake user, and login in using the fake user info, you'll go to 404 and can't login in
FIXED can't upload SVG images from edit or add reactions from admin panel.
FIXED openweathermap API call, now it's all paid.
FIXED The pro membership levels are still showing the old names on the dashboard even after changing all the names.
FIXED ReCAPTCHA is not showing on first visit to contact us page, if you refresh the page it will be showing then.
FIXED Google Translation is not working.
FIXED The notification sound is not working with Ajax.
FIXED can't logout using nginx.
FIXED all emails are being sent like mime format.
FIXED Events that have been finished, shouldn’t be open to join.
FIXED If you want to make a user Admin of your page, Privileges can not be changed for that user. The button is not working
FIXED 1 security issue.
FIXED 20+ more minor bugs.
Last Update:
December 1, 2023
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