WP Statistics Nulled (v14.7.2 ) Premium Addons Bundle Free Download
WP Statistics Premium Addons Bundle Nulled v14.7.2 | WP Statistics Premium Addons Bundle Free Download v14.7.2 gives you the complete information on your website’s visitors.
Table Of Content
Having a bundle is always an excellent way to access all the available features for a product. For WP Statistics, you can buy each of the add-ons separately or buy…
Getting started with WP-Statistics. Do you need a simple tool to know your website statistics? Do you need to represent these statistics? Are you caring about your users’ privacy while analyzing who are interested in your business or website? With WP Statistics you can know your website statistics without any need to send your users’ data anywhere.
Useful Functions. Getting started with WP-Statistics. Do you need a simple tool to know your website statistics? Do you need to represent these statistics? Are you caring about your users’ privacy while analyzing who are interested in your business or website? With WP Statistics you can know your website statistics without any need to send your users’ data anywhere.
- Visitor Data Records including IP, Referring Site, Browser, Search Engine, OS, Country and City
- Stunning Graphs and Visual Statistics
- Visitor’s Country Recognition
- Visitor’s City Recognition
- The number of Visitors coming from each Search Engine
- The number of Referrals from each Referring Site
- Top 10 common browsers; Top 10 countries with most visitors; Top 10 most-visited pages; Top 10 referring sites
- Hits Time-Based Filtering
- Statistics on Contents based on Categories, Tags, and Writers
- Widget Support for showing Statistics
- Data Export in TSV, XML, and CSV formats
- Statistical Reporting Emails
- Statistical of pages with query strings and UTM parameters
- [Premium] Real-time statsì[Premium] Real-time stats
- [Premium] More Advanced reporting
- And much more information represented in graphs & charts along with data filtering
Wp Stastics Addons List
- WP Statistics Real-time stats v2.2.3
- WP Statistics REST API v1.2.3
- WP Statistics Advanced reporting v2.5.1
- WP Statistics Widgets v2.3
- WP Statistics Mini Chart v1.3.0
- WP Statistics Customization v1.2.0
WP Statistics Free Download Link
Changelog WP Statistics Nulled
v14.7.2 Latest
Fixes: The Author menu display issue has been resolved.
Fixes: The query issue related to visitor and visit relationships has been corrected.
New: Added command wp statistics reinitialize to WP-CLI functionality for re-initialize the tables.
14.7.1 – 29.05.2024
Fixes: Fixed date filter on post type and taxonomies page.
Fixes: Fixed modify email subject with filter.
Fixes: Fixed user online current page bug.
Fixes: Fixed hashed IP bug in the visitor page filter.
Fixes: Fixed register user ID bug for recording.
Fixes: Fixed customization header banner by adding a new filter wp_statistics_header_url.
Improvement: Cleaned up some legacy functionality and unusable options.
Improvement: Built front-end script for modern browsers.
Improvement: Improved the Statistics post’s metabox styles and fixed related bugs.
Improvement: Added a check for existing events table before upgrade.
Improvement: Made minor enhancements.
= 14.7 - 20.05.2024 =
Addition: Introduced Privacy Audit Tool to ensure compliance with privacy laws. More info click here
Addition: Added two new database columns, region and continent, to the visitor table to enhance geographical data.
Fixes: Resolved issues with the Date Picker filter and Visitor Map.
Fixes: Fixed bug displaying archive page information on the online and visitors pages.
Improvement: Improved tooltip display for browser pie charts.
Improvement: Enhanced email report appearance for better readability and aesthetics.
Improvement: Updated filters and styles for a better user experience.
Improvement: Enhanced event scheduling and email handling for improved performance.
Improvement: Refined language strings and an admin interface for easier use.
Improvement: Merged REST API and Advanced Widgets settings into the main plugin settings for better management.
Improvement: Showing the Hash IP properly in HitsMap modal.
Improvement: Various minor enhancements to boost plugin stability and performance.
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